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telephone infrared computer answering system new fast Ultra Remote control. Coda phone software answering machine program infrared computer is new. .IRC files are here. Fast , fun, new learning remote one file button computer program. software control one button answer my phone program. software IR remote. New smart phone IR Software look smart feel free clean graphic on screen display program. software new nomad .irc files learn the is fast PC 2 TV Smart remote control. Today readyware Learning on screen remote control .IRC answering machine full time computer Simple Solution learning remote computer phone. remot mind is the Smart IR. software programs smart the sun learn "Regular READYWARE."




Our Upload Server is open to all registered READYWARE developers. Log-On to the  READYWARE network at READYWARE.net  The Simple Solution is still in Bata testing so you won't be able to log-on and upload your creations. In the mean time please E-Mail them to PostMyIRC@READYWARE.net 

I will personally try them and post for the whole world to see. Please view the current posted .irc skins and or the SMART remote database.